CompoMaster · CompoMaster Coarse

For composite
The silicone polishers are integrated with a carefully balanced blend of diamond particles. They are durable and designed for a quick finishing and polishing of composite restorations to provide a uniform and smooth surface.
The combination of the different grits of CompoMaster Coarse and the finer CompoMaster polishers (with yellow and white banded shank) is an efficient concept for homogeneous surface treatment.
- CompoMaster Coarse polishers have been designed for contouring and prepolishing composite surfaces in one step.
- CompoMaster instruments subsequently polish the restorations.
When using the CeraMaster/-Coarse and CompoMaster/-Coarse polishers intraorally, operate each polisher under dry conditions with intermittent strokes and supply compressed air to avoid overheating of the composite and to protect the pulp.
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CompoMaster · CompoMaster Coarse
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